Madrigals is an auditioned group made of up 33 singers. This group upholds the tradition of excellence when performing a broad range of music including madrigals, baroque, classical, Broadway, jazz, pop and contemporary. Madrigals is often busy performing on campus and around town and aims to foster an appreciation for the art arts within their community.
Show choir is an auditioned group made up of 24 singers. This is an all female group that combines choral singing with dance, often within the context of specific theme. This group has done many performances for the community and has competed in the SCVA Show Choir Spectacular for the last two years. They brought home a trophy in 2017.
Barbershop Chorus (aka the "Fab Fermatas") is an all male group made of eight singers. There are two singers per vocal part: tenor, lead, baritone and bass. This group sings in close harmony and incorporates humor and jokes in to their sets. They are very fun and energetic group.
Mixed Choir is a non-auditioned group made up of students from multiple grade levels. This group learns the essential skills of reading music and is the stepping stone to progressing into the advanced groups.